24 May 2024

Extraordinary Summer Exhibition 2024

      In Wednesday's assembly, Mrs Fowler and Mr Cox were delighted to launch this year's competition categories for our annual Extraordinary Summer Exhibition, which will take place on Friday 14 June.  This tradition allows girls of all ages to demonstrate their CREATIVITY across a variety of skills sets at home.  There are also categories for showcasing academic prowess - such as the Headteacher's Essay Competition - which will be tackled in class.

      The themes of our 2024 exhibition are sport and healthy living, linked to the Summer Olympic Games which are due to take place in Paris from 26 July.  Pupils are  encouraged to enter as many competition classes as they like, with the prospect of having their work displayed with pride and their efforts rewarded with house points, certificates and rosettes.  As far as parents and guardians are concerned, this is very much about encouraging girls to 'have a go' and perhaps tackle tasks which are outside of their usual comfort zones.

      Guidelines and resources are available online - on GoogleClassroom for Years 3 to 6, and on SeeSaw or Tapestry for Nursery to Year 2.  These include deadlines for submissions, the first of which will fall in the first week after Half Term.

Good luck everyone, and remember ...

You have to be IN IT TO WIN IT!

For families new to this aspect of life at NGHS, click on the gallery below to see highlights from previous summer shows:

Below:  This year's competiton guidelines.  Printable versions, along with other resources, can be found on Seesaw, Tapestry or GoogleClassroom: 


      Well done to everyone who participated in the 2024 Delancey Chess Challenge Mega Final last weekend - Jovana from Year 2, Aleesha and Junli from Year 4, Olivia D, Alana, Aathira and Aaminah from Year 5, and Beatrice, Milena, Antonia and Sofia from Year 6.  Everyone played their best, showing determination in the face of tough opposition.  Well done especially to Junli who claimed a third place medal and book prize in the Under 9 Girls category.

      Congratulations also go to our two teams which entered the final of the Nottinghamshire Primary Schools Chess Association's local league this week.  With just a handful of points separating the top half of the twelve teams present, our A team did well to come away with fifth position medals and a trophy.  Special mentions go to Alice and Sofia who won both of their games, and to Olivia K who stepped in as a reserve with just a couple of hours' notice. 🏅

We have a RESULT... 👷🏼‍♀️

      The annual If you were an engineer, what would you do? Leaders Award competition invites young people to imagine a solution for an everyday problem.  Entrants have to create a drawing of their idea and write a letter to explain their solution.   Entries are graded on design solutions by age group and region.


      Congratulations to Amelie from Year 5 who will soon be attending an awards ceremony at the University of Lincoln!  This is a fantastic achievement, as tens of thousands of pupils entered this year's competition and went through two rounds of grading with engineers.


      Hot on the heels of our recent Sponsored Spell which raised £2,550 for good causes at school and Attenborough Nature Reserve, we are delighted to announce the winner of this term's much-coveted EXCELLENCE CUP which recognises Diana from Year 6 for her 100/100 score in the Sponsored Spell, for her unbroken record of 100% in weekly spelling tests, and for applying spelling rules precisely and consistently in writing.

      Well done also to those girls who were awarded POSITIVITY and RESILIENCE certificates for progress or effort demonstrated in the Sponsored Spell, and to the following girls whose exceptionally high scores have earned them coveted places in the Junior School's BOOK OF EXCELLENCE:

Nursery - Isla, Arya, Amanpreet, Ujyaara, Isabella, Matilda, Poppy, Lucy

Reception - Kiya, Mia, Joy, Minty

Year 1 - Holly C-H, Aliza, Abigail, Ameerah, Imogen

Year 2 - Tilly, Kasandra, Jovana, Harneet, Zairah, Helia, Penelope, Iffah, Isabelle

Year 3 - Florence, Cece, Katharina

Year 4 - Ziona, Emily, Charlotte, Junli, Sophia, Jasmine, Zara, Pippa

Year 5 - Ruqaya, Anveesha, Elif, Izzah, Amelie, Lacey, Olivia K

Year 6 - Hareem, Zoey, Elizabeth, Hoor, Beatrice, Milena, Anvitha, Nisa, Lily A, Annie, Michelle, Penelope, Sarah, Natalia, Lily H, Emily, Diana, Komal, Miriam

Are you Rock Star material? 🎸

Mrs Eggington

      Our first ever inter-house Times Table Rock Stars competition for Years 2 to 6 will take place between 7am on Thursday 6 June and 7pm on Friday 7 June.  Pupils will be able to compete for up to one hour per day in their own time, and any points accrued will go towards collective house scores.  Individual year group certificates will be awarded for both effort and attainment - GO FOR IT, GIRLS!

Focus on Reading Journals - Year 6

Mrs Braud and Mrs Wood

     'I saw that the bride within the bridal dress had withered like the dress, and like the flowers, and had no brightness left but the brightness of her sunken eyes.   I saw that the dress had been put upon the rounded figure of a young woman, and that the figure upon which it now hung loose, had shrunk to skin and bone.   Once, I had been taken to see some ghastly waxwork at the Fair, representing I know not what impossible personage lying in state.   Once, I had been taken to one of our old marsh churches to see a skeleton in the ashes of a rich dress, that had been dug out of a vault under the church pavement.   Now, waxwork and skeleton seemed to have dark eyes that moved and looked at me.   I should have cried out, if I could...'

      By Year 6, Reading Journals assignments incorporate creative work inspired by classics novels such as Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.  One such task this year has been to use inference skills when focusing on the character of Miss Havisham and the setting of Satis House.  We were very impressed by the creativity shown by those students who went above and beyond, recreating the jilted bride's wedding breakfast - the artwork showcased in journals and as 3D models has truly demonstrated an appreciation for the eerie world of the 'waxwork and skeleton’ described by Pip Gargery in the early 1860s!


Miss Abbott

      A mixed Year 5-6 team competed in this week’s Notts Schools Netball for All primary tournament, wining six games and losing just one  - by a single goal.  This was great experience for our Year 5s, and a lovely farewell for Year 6 as they prepare to leave us for Senior School - they played some excellent netball, and I am excited to see how they progress in Year 7 and beyond!

Above:  Collaborating with a large scale protractor to measure angles on the playground.

Above:  School nurse, Mrs Williams, helps to model and measure an obtuse angle!

We ❤️ learning with our hands!

      At one of this week's Book Looks and whilst admiring a display of girls' work that showcased their understanding of WW2 'make do and mend', a Year 5 parent remarked on how much education has changed in recent years.  He was referring to the many creative and fun-filled ways in which we approach, embed and consolidate learning - both in and out of the classroom.

      Making lessons memorable and enjoyable is indeed a passion for our whole teaching team.  Here are just a few snapshots of learning in Year 5 over the last three weeks -  from applying OS map reading skills on a geography field trip, to measuring angles in the playground and dissecting flowering plants in science lessons.

      After Half Term, we'll showcase more examples of hands-on learning, starting with mathematics in Year 4.

Above and below - identifying the male and female reproductive parts of tulips

Left and below - combining virtual and real-life applications to suit a range of learning styles and interests

Above - using playdough to model successive rock strata being laid done over millennia, then warped by plate tectonics to expose weaker layers for eventual coastal erosion.

Applying map reading skills in the field - orienting an OS extract, identifying contour lines that show steep gradients, and navigating between two points. 

LUXTON sweep to victory!

      Friday saw our first ever Key Stage 2 Inter-House Pentathlon and the girls were amazing - they exuded POSITIVITY, RESILIENCE and EXCELLENCE across a range of running, jumping and throwing events.  Special congratulations go to Luxton who were our overall winners, and to the girls who finished in the top three within their year groups:

Year 3

1st Emily, 2nd Penelope, 3rd Katarina


Year 4

1st Gabi, 2nd Ziona, 3rd = Sophia and Isobel

Year 5

1st Tala B, 2nd Liliana, 3rd Amelie


Year 6

1st Leela, 2nd Alexis, 3rd Darcey





Eddie the Penguin Saves the World 🐧

Mrs Garton and Mrs Crabtree

      Thank you for entertaining us with your wonderful performance of Eddie the Penguin Saves the World, Years 1 and 2!
      Your musical lesson in environmentally responsible behaviours was beautifully woven into the story of Eddie, humans, and his feathered and furry friends.  You certainly gave your audiences food for thought, with some very practical and achievable tips for how 'small changes can help to save our planet', including:

Walking and cycling to school

Planting trees

Reducing waste, reusing and recycling

      Thank you to everyone who helped with props and wardrobe, and to the technical and front of house teams at The Space.  This was a great collaboration between our classes, and it has been an absolute pleasure to see our girls all shining on stage!  🐧

Click on the gallery below to see a selection of images from Eddie the Penguin Saves the World

Recycle with Michael ♻️

Thank you for your donations of used clothing and footwear.

Our next collection will be in the autumn, giving families the chance to have a good pre-Christmas clear out!



      We Year 6 Water Warriors recently visited each class, to speak about our campaign to reduce water wastage in school.  Our mottos are:

Is your water bottle right for you?

Turn off that tap!

Keep our toilets clean!

Amelia, Sofia, Hoor, Florence and Michelle from Year 6

      Please would parents consider our first motto - is your daughter's bottle right for her?  Perhaps think about how much she drinks and whether her bottle perhaps holds too much water; does she actually drink all of it?  As well as wasting water, bottles containing large amounts of water can be less hygienic as every swig introduces more and more bacteria.  After Half Term, we will be back to give you more information on our campaign.  Thank you!

You’re invited to an evening of fun and entertainment - and all for a great cause. 

With a three-course meal, auction, prizes and live music from Nottingham’s premier covers band ‘The Money’, this promises to be a night to remember! 

In 2022, the NGHS Glitter Ball raised enough money to provide a bright and talented student with a fully funded Bursary place in our Sixth Form. As we approach our 150th year in September 2025, we would love your support in funding even more girls with the chance of an NGHS education.

To secure a table, please BOOK HERE - tickets are £85 per person and tables can seat up to 12 people.  And if you would like to find out more about sponsorship packages, please contact Aisling Hooper A.Hooper@not.gdst.net

The NGHS Bursary programme transforms lives for girls in Nottinghamshire, and we are so grateful for the continued philanthropic support we receive which supports so many girls’ futures.  All funds raised during the evening will support the NGHS 150 Bursary Fund, providing even more bright girls from Nottinghamshire with opportunities to study at NGHS in our 150th year.

Don't miss the chance to bid on amazing auction prizes available exclusively on the night: 

We look forward to seeing you there!

Belvoir Cricket Trust half term holiday scheme 🏏

This is an advertisement on behalf of a third party provider.  For information about the organiser's policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, please contact the Belvoir Cricket & Countryside Trust direct.