14 June 2024

Showtime!  🏆

      Thank you to everyone who entered into the competitive and participatory spirit of  this year's Extraordinary Summer Exhibition - we have been truly impressed by the CREATIVITY and EXCELLENCE demonstrated by so many girls, and we are also grateful for the support and encouragement provided by families.

      This annual tradition provides pupils with opportunities to showcase their talents across a range of skill sets - whether learnt at school or pursued at home - in a healthily competitive and supportive environment.  Congratulations go to this year's recipients of awards, and well done to all entrants!  

* Click on the gallery below to see highlights from this year's show *

Shiver me timbers! 🏴‍☠️

      Year 1 had a terrific day of fun and exploration outside of the classroom this week, creating their very own pirate ship in Upnah Wood and working in teams to locate the booty using treasure maps.

      After creating, decorating and naming their own boats, the girls visited The Forest for a picnic.   Climbing all over the replica ship and listening to pirate jokes were memorable moments of the day, as was walking the plank!

*  Click on the gallery below to see more highlights  *

Quad Kids Athletics 🏃‍♀️

Miss Abbott

      Girls from our Year 5 Athletics Club recently took part in a Quad Kids event at Harvey Hadden Stadium which included sprinting 50m, running 400m, standing long jump, Howler javelin throw and shuttle relay.   Competing against both boys and girls from other schools, they managed to win many of their races and their girls-only score was not far behind those schools with a co-ed team score combined!  An excellent effort from all involved!

      #runlikeagirl - if only the boys could run that fast, then they might be able to beat us!  😂

Summer Concert

Mr Rolfe

      Our musical ensembles and choirs shared their love of music at Monday's annual Summer Concert.  Girls from Years 1 to 6 treated the audience to a passionate and highly skilled musical journey around the world which featured music from Latin America, the Caribbean, North America, Africa, Europe, China and the British Isles.  This concert highlighted our pupils' commitment to music and showcased a diverse range of instruments and genres studied at NGHS.

      On Tuesday, it was our Senior School students' turn to take to the stage and it was a pleasure to see so many Junior School alumnae demonstrating progression and continued commitment in their musical journeys.  Mrs Keller remarked on stage at the end of the show how much of this work was first nurtured and supported at NGHS Juniors.  Isn’t music wonderful?!  🎶

Up, up and away! 🎈

        Continuing the theme of our creative multi-media approach to learning, this week's spotlight shines on the girls of Year 2 who have been working with their hands to create model hot air balloons, and using iPads to document their learning about the history of aviation and the contribution of the 18th century Montgolfier brothers who invented balloon travel.

      Perfecting the art of papier-mâché to cover inflated party balloons encourages patience, precision and dexterity, and the purposeful use of iPads instills responsibility and independence.  We look forward to seeing the end results!

      As with all year groups, the links between Year 2's English, History and Art & Design projects are carefully curated to ensure subject immersion, giving girls multiple ways in which to explore, discover and explain.


      As guests of the Belvoir Cricket & Countryside Trust, girls from Year 4 enjoyed an exhilarating day honing their cricketing skills in the glorious English countryside on Tuesday.  This also involved a Q&A with a local beekeeper and gamekeeper, an orienteering activity, and learning how willow is sourced from the16,000 acre Belvoir Estate for the manufacture of cricket bats.  Well done for being such good sports, Year 4, and for listening so carefully to the guest speakers!

Click on the gallery below to see more images of Year 4's day in the Vale of Belvoir


Miss Abbott

      Girls from Years 5 and 6 travelled to Northampton High School for this annual event, and the rain just about managed to hold off for the fixtures to take place under grey skies with a brisk, chilly breeze.  Will summer ever arrive?!

    It wasn't exactly warm, however our teams demonstrated RESILIENCE and POSITIVITY throughout.  And although the results didn't go their way on this occasion, everyone was able to identify one aspect which they performed well and one area for improvement - so that next time we come back better and stronger.  😊

We live to fight another day! ⚔️

Miss Abbott

      This week, girls from Years 5 and 6 also played in the mixed Dynamo City Cricket at Wollaton Cricket Club.  Opposition was tough, however the girls certainly showed RESILIENCE and learnt lots to take forward to the girls-only competition later this month.