9 February 2024

Year 6 visit the National Justice Museum

      Last Friday, Year 6 enjoyed a packed day of learning at the National Justice Museum, which boasts a Victorian courtroom, Georgian jail, and cells that date back hundreds of years.  This study visit links to the girls' Crime and Punishment topic, investigating how the legal system has changed over time and how justice is applied today.

      In a carefully-curated courtroom workshop, students recreated the case of Isabella Makin, an eleven year old girl who was on trial in Victorian Nottingham.  Year 6 took on the roles of judiciary, clerks, defence, prosecution and jury.  Judges Anais and Amelie kept order in their courtroom and in both trials the prosecution teams were successful, sentencing the unfortunate defendants (Susan and Anvitha) to long stretches in prison!

      The afternoon included a guided tour of the museum, meeting the Georgian jailer and Victorian matron to understand how punishment has evolved throughout British history, and examining primary sources of evidence such as hand cuffs and holding cells.  Well done, Year 6, for engaging so well in every activity and for demonstrating deep thinking skills in your questioning, ready to apply your learning back in the classroom!

After School Club timings 🕗

A message from Mrs Fowler

      Many NGHS parents value our After School Club provision.  Knowing that your daughter is being looked after by Junior School teachers and staff until you are able to collect them is reassuring and practical for parents who work until later in the day. Unfortunately, we are seeing an increasing number of persistent late collections which, in turn, has an impact on our staff not being able to leave school at closing time.

      Going forwards, After School Club staff will call parents of uncollected girls at 18:00 to see if there is a problem.  All late collections will continue to be charged at £10 per 15 minutes after 18:00, added to ParentPay on the following day, and with an email notification.  We will also monitor the number of late collections over an academic year, and reserve the right to not provide places for girls who are collected late repeatedly.  Please work with us to ensure that we can continue to staff this valuable service for all families.

World Book Day - Reminder

Please click on the link below to recap arrangements for World Book Day in March, the details of which first appeared in Spark a fortnight ago:

Calling all budding engineers and problem solvers! 👷🏼‍♀️

The annual If you were an engineer, what would you do? Leaders Award competition is for pupils aged 3 to 19, and invites young people to imagine a solution for an everyday problem.

•  To enter the competition, girls should create a drawing of their idea and write a letter to explain their solutions.  Within reason, each task can be supported by a parent at home.

Entries are graded purely on design solutions by age group and region, so drawing skills and ability don't matter - it’s the idea that counts!  All participants will receive a named and graded certificate to recognise creativity and inventiveness, and shortlisted entries will be placed in the regional awards which are open to the public.

The deadline to enter this competition via school is 09:00 on Friday 23 February.  Entries should be brought to class teachers, and can also be emailed to Mrs Garton o.garton@not.gdst.net .

Below and right:  How to present an entry on two pages

Botanical Birthdays

A new initiative from School Council and our House Captains, inspired by our recent Green Month

      Bringing in sweets and cakes for birthday treats is becoming more difficult with food intolerances, allergies and our healthy eating agenda.

      Instead - and starting from 19 February for one year - we would love girls to donate a potted house plant to the school. These indoor plants will be labelled with birthday girls' names and cared for by their classes, whilst also making their classroom more environmentally friendly places.  Thank you in advance for supporting this initiative.


Mr Ashdown

      In the world of stumps and bails, the NGHS Juniors weekly Cricket Club goes from strength to strength.  Our plucky batswomen, bowlers and fielders are persevering with honing their skills through the winter months, ready to make full use of everything they have learnt when summer finally arrives.  😎


      On Thursday, girls from Year 4 to 6 were joined by pupils from our sister GDST school, Northampton High School, to enjoy a brand new theatre production from a cast of three young female actors at Squire Performing Arts Centre. PROTEST creatively told the story of three girls - Chloe, Jade and Alice - preparing to stand up for their beliefs, despite the injustices stacked against them. The play certainly explored what it takes to make a difference, the power of friendship, and the importance of believing in your own voice.

      As part of Children's Mental Health Week, girls across the GDST have been finding out how to use their voices and have them heard - and this learning opportunity enabled the entire audience to be inspired by three girls’ resilience and positivity.

Inspired by Islam in Year 5

Mrs Crawshaw

      In RE lessons, our girls have been learning about the Five Pillars of Islam, showing interest and respect as they listened to their Muslim classmates speaking about how their faith forms part of their daily lives.  Watch out for some amazing prayer mat designs over the coming weeks!

Discover yourself through drama this spring!

Monday 8th to Wednesday 10th April 

(Final week of the Easter holiday)

      Join the Open Space Theatre School for three days and create a unique experience of theatre, based on your own ideas.  This is a fun and safe environment for children to discover themselves and grow in confidence through movement, voice and improvisation.  There are also opportunities to learn about scenic design, sound, lighting, costumes and make up, all in familiar professional-grade facilities at The Squire Performing Arts Centre (The Space).


      This incredible holiday programme is aimed at children aged 8–18, and is delivered by professional actor, director and speech and drama teacher David Purveur, who was trained at The Guildford School of Acting and The Desmond Jones School of Mime.  In Nottingham, Mr Purveur has worked for various companies including Footprints Theatre, New Perspectives and the Nottingham Playhouse, and has also taught speech and drama since 2010.

Click here to enroll or find out more, and use 10% discount code sibling10 for multiple places:

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