17 May 2024
A testing time for all ...
Well done to everyone who demonstrated RESILIENCE, POSITIVITY and EXCELLENCE in this week's annual Sponsored Spell. Full results will be available next week, when we will also award this term's trophy for excellence in spelling. Following Mrs Bailey’s sweeping victory - and high scores also from Mrs Astill, Mrs Crawshaw and Mr Cox - in the much-anticipated staff spelling challenge in this Friday's assembly, we now have a total £850 pledged to Attenborough Nature Reserve - thank you for your generosity in supporting such a worthwhile local charity!
08:00-08:30 and 16:00-16:30
in the Rainbow Room
CASH ONLY and items are 'sold as seen' on a first come, first served basis. Some items are brand new.
Are you handy with a needle and thread, or a dab hand with stain remover? Visit our new BARGAIN BUCKET !
Scholastic Book Fair
This year's Scholastic Book Fair will be continue to be open in the Library during break times and lunchtimes as follows, with a librarian on hand to offer guidance:
Mon 20 May – Years 5-6
Tue 21 May – Years 3-4
Wed 22 May – girls who missed their slot due to clubs or absence
There is a 3 for 2 promotion on all titles, and girls will need to bring money to school in a named purse for their purchases. Sorry, we are unable to reserve books, however we can order additional copies of books if we sell out of popular titles.
Year 4 informal concert
Mr Rolfe
On Tuesday, Year 4 treated a packed Junior School hall to their first ever collective music recital, demonstrating outstanding musicality as they performed on a huge variety of instruments.
The concert took us from 16th century folk music and Beethoven to the likes of Weezer and Queen. As well as demonstrating musical talent, the girls also performed with true heart and passion, and with delightful smiles. Our huge thanks go to the tutors who helped to make this happen, and to the Year 4 parents who support our ambitious music programme so positively - we couldn’t do it without you. 👍
We ❤️ magazines!
Our Junior School Library has a fabulous selection of children's magazines to suit a range of interests and ages, and appealing to enthusiastic and reluctant readers alike.
Titles include BBC Wildlife, Aquila, Britannica, Horrible Histories, How it Works, The Week Junior and National Geographic Kids. High quality publications such as these are a great way to improve children's general knowledge, widen their horizons and spark curiosity.
Playtime at a workhouse involved traditional children's toys such as the hoop and ring.
Built in 1824, The Workhouse is the best-preserved example of the hundreds of workhouses built across the country.
Don't bother complaining about the food here - the cook has never heard of 'constructive feedback'.
Hard times in Year 3
Mrs Bailey
This week's study visit to the National Trust's Southwell Workhouse was part of Year 3's current Victorian Hard Times topic.
Here, we learnt about the 19th century approach to poverty and infirmity - purpose built institutions which incorporated basic social care for the destitute and sick, as well as menial work for the able-bodied poor and education for the young.
The girls especially enjoyed experiencing a Victorian school room, seeing the dormitories kitchens and cellars, and trying to find somewhere in the workhouse yards where they could not be seen from a window by the 'Master'. The only option was the outdoor privy!
Well done, Year 3, for asking such great questions and for receiving compliments from members of the public about your conduct outside of school. 😊
Above: No carpeted classrooms, interactive whiteboards or iPads in the 1800s!
Below: Bath time in a Victorian workhouse was an austere affair, complete with tin tubs and carbolic soap.
By the 1960s, many workhouses had become care homes for the elderly.
Let's see what's on the menu for this week - oh dear, fussy eaters wouldn't have fared well here!
We prefer writing on paper with pencils and pens, to scratching away on a slate!
Recycle with Michael is THIS WEEK! ♻️
Our collection of used clothing and footwear starts this coming Monday, 20 May.
Items do not have to be in re-saleable condition; anything that is unsuitable for the Salvation Army's charity shops will still be recycled responsibly.
Please bring your sacks into the Junior School playground - the deadline is Friday morning.
Belvoir Cricket Trust half term holiday scheme 🏏
This is an advertisement on behalf of a third party provider. For information about the organiser's policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, please contact the Belvoir Cricket & Countryside Trust direct.