2 February 2024

Year 6 visit the Friends Meeting House

      Year 6's current programme of study in Religious Education looks at the practical application of spiritual belief, with a particular focus on the Quaker origins of Oxfam and the idea of a way of life that rejects the notion of religious hierarchy and instead embraces  a 'direct relationship' with God - without clergy, scripture, idols, objects or regulation.

      On Thursday, the girls visited our local Friends Meeting House to interview two Quakers who were delighted to answer a range of pre-prepared questions about their lifestyle, sense of service, priorities and practices, as well as the value of SILENT CONTEMPLATION.

      This was a very interesting study visit - well done to the girls who listened and spoke so carefully, and thank you to everyone who brought a donation to help Nottingham Quakers in their efforts to support the local homelessness charity, the Friary.

Left:  Our Year 6 Sisters of Charity with Quaker hosts, Jonathan and Deborah

Good-as-new book exchange ♻️ 

      It's been a busy inaugural week for our new Book Exchange, with girls of all ages enjoying browsing and going home with an array of pre-loved books to widen their reading repertoires, save money and develop positive attitudes towards re-using and recycling.

      We are especially grateful to those families who helped us to establish an opening stock for this project, which we hope will be a lasting legacy of Green Month 2024.  ❤️


      Thank you to everyone who attended our first used and nearly-new uniform sale last week; there was a great choice of preloved  garments and some of the funds raised have already been pledged to a local homelessness charity by our Year 6 Sisters of Charity.

     We now hope to hold a sale two or three times a year,  helping families to save time and money, and to reduce their carbon footprints by rehoming clothes that still have plenty of wear left in them.   If you would like to donate items for this project, please bring them to Mrs Sail or Miss Morley and kindly ensure that any name tags are removed first.

Hockey is not for the faint hearted! 🏑

Miss Abbott

      Our Year 5/6 hockey team demonstrated RESILIENCE and showcased good skills when they played a Year 7 team from Trinity School on 25 January.  An end-to-end game saw us take the lead part way through the first half, which was maintained by some excellent goalkeeping.  However, pressure from Trinity eventually led to an equaliser and despite our best efforts we could not conjure up a win.  But all is not lost - we live to fight another day with a re-match in a couple of weeks' time, and we will be putting on our shooting boots to make the most of our opportunities!

      This tough match was an excellent warm-up for the GDST tournament that then took place at Northampton High School on Thursday 1 February.  We fielded two teams, with and our A team playing five games and our B team playing four.  It was a good experience, and once again we saw great examples of POSITIVITY and RESILIENCE, and some EXCELLENT play - well done, girls.

Above and left:  NGHS Y5/6 versus Trinity Y7

Below:  'Before and after' at Northampton!  😂

Is it yours?  🤔

      The NGHS Juniors Lost Property Station - easily visible and accessible to all girls in the Rainbow Room - has a constant influx of water bottles, snack boxes, sports equipment and articles of clothing.   Thank you to Antonia (6B ) who regularly reunites labelled items with their owners.

      Please ensure ALL property is clearly named - including shoes - and be reminded that any unidentifiable items left unclaimed for weeks on end will be periodically disposed of, donated to charity, or sold.

      Here's just a selection of unlabelled items which are currently waiting to be reclaimed - and as you can see, some of our helpers aren't too impressed!  😀

Learning across the ages

👧 👩🏼 👧🏽

Miss Abbott

      One of the distinct benefits of an all-girls 3-18 education is the sisterhood that stems from links between year groups and Key Stages.  With older girls sharing their expertise and younger girls working outside of their immediate peer group,  this kind of collaborative learning is a vital part of a GDST education.

      It was in this spirit that Year 6 received netball coaching and encouragement this week from our Year 10 sports leaders.  The girls had a very enjoyable time and learnt lots of new skills which they can apply at the High 5 Festival next month.  They are now ready and raring to go!  👍