21 June 2024


Miss Abbott

      Despite having been totally unreliable for this term's many sporting fixtures, the sun finally came out for our Y1-Y6 Sports Day this week!  The girls more than rose to the occasion, showcasing the skills and sportsmanship expected for a panoply of traditional, field and track events.  Congratulations go to BOLTON who were victorious overall!

      Thank you to the many supporters who came along for the afternoon, and well done to everyone who took part and demonstrated RESILIENCE and EXCELLENCE  🏆

Year 6 Informal Concert

Mr Rolfe

      Our final informal concert of 2023-2024 took place on Tuesday, and this time it was Year 6's turn to take to the stage for the final time, as their Junior School career draws to its close.

      This was a super showcase in which the girls demonstrated the many music and singing skills which they have learnt and honed over the years - a wonderfully diverse and energetic concert, including instruments from all mainstream orchestral families alongside voice, piano, guitar and the debut of our Year 6 Rock Band.

      For the first time, non-musicians also took an active role in the concert, operating the sound mixing desk, microphones and equipment, and really enjoying the technical challenge with excellent results.

      Many of the Year 6s from this event will return to the stage next week for our annual Vocal Concert on Monday 24 June - watch this space!

Every little counts

Mrs Eggington

      Building a keen awareness of small actions that can make a big difference is one of the cornerstones of the EMPATHY nurtured in our Junior School RECIPE for Success, empowering girls to effect positive change and to enjoy the satisfaction of helping others.

      Well done to my enthusiastic litter pickers who 'did their bit' for our local community on Tuesday, as part of the City of Nottingham's Clean Champions project.  You certainly have eagle eyes, girls - and your efforts will be much appreciated by our neighbouring residents and businesses.  👍

Reading Buddies

By Isabella and Alice, Year 5

      On Thursday mornings, Year 5 spend twenty minutes reading with girls from Nursery and Reception.  This week, we interviewed some of our young friends to ask them what they enjoy about having a 'big sister' Reading Buddy - and this is what they had to say:

"I love reading fun stories with my buddy!"

"I enjoy it because she takes me through it and she even brought me a present."

"She's really funny when she reads!"

"I like it because she's my friend."

Space Camp!

Miss Whitehead

      Last Friday, we hosted our first ever Junior School Space Camp for Years 5 and 6 - a stargazing sleepover packed with exciting activities such as space exploration, moon data analysis, and a Q&A session with our in-house astronomer, Mr Barratt.

      Our happy Space Campers embraced their inner scientists, tackling questions on how to terraform Mars for future human settlement and exploring ways to stabilise Earth if the Moon were to drift too far away (which might happen sooner than an England World Cup victory) 🙄

      The evening wouldn't have been complete without time in Upnah Wood, preparing oven-cooked pizzas and enjoying camp games before swapping bedtime stories and settling in for the night.

We ❤️ Attenborough Nature Reserve

Mrs Crabtree

      Year 2's field trip to Attenborough Nature Reserve on Thursday was all about applying, consolidating and extending their learning about plants and wildlife from this year's Science topics.  The girls enjoyed exploring the different parts of flowering plants and their functions, finding out about pollinators, and playing a bee game which involved collecting nectar from different flowers and do a waggle dance!  The team with the most nectar won - what fun!  There were also pond dipping activities and opportunities to identifying finds using an identification sheet and a bug viewer.  All in all, a great day out and we hope to return to Attenborough in the autumn for our annual BBC Countryfile Ramble in aid of Children in Need!

*  Click on the gallery below to see highlights from our visit, plus the girls writing about their experience in a subsequent English lesson  *