Please note that this list is not exhaustive, is subject to change, and will be updated periodically. Invitations and finalised timings for performances and parent events will usually be communicated nearer the time via email or text message.
4th Term starts
10th RB visit to Build a Bear, Sheffield
13th Y6 PSHE study visit to Warning Zone, Leicester
16th Extra Curricular & Music Clubs start
17th Y1 study visit to Sudbury Hall
20th RB study visit to Nottingham Central Library
23rd Y6 hockey v Northampton (home) invitation only
24th Sports Top Tuesday - N to Y6
24th Nursery trip to Trowel Garden Centre
24th Y5/Y6 Team Relay Challenge, Harvey Hadden, invitation only
25th Cross Country timings - Y5 & Y6 - after school
26th Y2 study visit to Twycross Zoo
28th Whole School Open Day for prospective parents
1st Y5 Sports Hall Athletics, Harvey Hadden, invitation only
3rd to 4th Y5 residential study visit to Stratford-upon-Avon
9th Y4 history study visit to the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
9th Y6 GDST Maths Conference, University of Oxford
9th Y6 English study visit to The Story Museum, Oxford
12th Glitter Ball
14th Parents' Evening - 4pm to 6.30pm. Junior Hall
15th to 18th Parents' Evening - online video calls, dates/times to be confirmed for individual teachers
15th Y5/Y6 Windblowers Cup heats - Junior Hall
16th Y5/Y6 House Pentathlon
18th Nursery trip to Central Library
18th Y3 to Y6 House Fun Run, The Forest
21st to 1st Nov - Half Term
5th Y5 study visit to Welbeck Abbey
5th Y6 Sports Ambassador Conference, Harvey Hadden, a.m.
11th Junior School individual photographs, a.m.
11th RB to Y6 Flu Vaccinations, p.m.
11th Windblowers Cup final, 5.30pm in The Space
12th Performing Arts Scholarship (Y6) for Y7 entry 2025
13th Y5/Y6 City Cross Country Championships, Wollaton Park, invitation only
14th Y3 Indian Dance Workshop, a.m.
14th Y1 Great Fire of London workshop, p.m.
14th Sports Scholarship (Y6) for Y7 entry 2025
14th Cross Country, Highfields, Newark - invitation only
15th BBC Countryfile Ramble (whole Junior school)
19th Music Scholarship (Y6) for Y7 entry 2025
21st KS1 Cricket Festival - invitation only
22nd Y3/Y4 House Bench Netball
28th Y5/Y6 Sports Hall Athletics, Harvey Hadden - invitation only, tbc
29th Y5/Y6 House Hockey
30th Y5/Y6 Cross Country League, Berry Hill Park - invitation only
3rd Music Fundraising Concert at Quaker Centre, 5pm, invitation only
4th Y6 Hockey, Y5 Netball v Sheffield (home) invitation only
5th Whole School Christmas Fair, Junior Hall, 1pm to 5.30pm, parents from 3.45pm
5th Y5/Y6 Sports Hall Athletics, Harvey Hadden, invitation only
5th Y5/Y6 Netball v Haydn, 4pm (home), invitation only
6th Y5/Y6 Swimming Gala
10th Winter Lights Concert, The Space, 5.30pm, all of Y3-Y6
12th Y5/Y6 Netball v Haydn, 4pm (home), invitation only
13th Nursery/RB Nativity, The Space, 2.15pm tbc
13th Christmas Lunch
13th Y3-6 House Reindeer event
13th Drama Club showcase to parents, 4.45pm
14th Y4 to Y8 Busking, invitation only
16th N to Y6 Christmas Dance Showcase, The Space, 9.15am tbc - all girls from Dance Clubs plus Nursery and RB
16th Nursery Christmas Craft afternoon, 2pm tbc
17th Busking at Radford Care Home, Y6 Music Ambassadors & Buskers, 10am to midday
18th Christmas parties - pm
19th Y5/Y6 Vocalise Choir - St Mary's Church, 11.30am to 2pm tbc
19th Nursery/RB visit to Lakeside Arts Christmas performance, 1.30pm
20th Whole School Carol Service, St Mary's Church, 10.30am
20th Break Up, 12.30pm (no ASC)
7th Return to school
14th Nursery Workshop, 8.15am tbc
15th Y6 Netball v Oakham, home, 2.30pm, invitation only
20th Sporting Superstars training - Y6 invitation only
21st Y5 study visit to Beaumanor
24th Y6 study visit to Justice Museum
30th GDST Northampton Rally, Y5/Y6 Hockey, invitation only
3rd Music Photos, Jnr & Snr
3rd Voice Festival, The Space - all day & 5pm Concert, invitation only
4th Y6 Informal Concert, Junior Hall, 2pm
5th Y5/Y6 Netball v Northampton, home, pm, invitation only
10th Me v Me challenge - Y6 invitation only
11th Piano Works Festival, The Space - all day & 5pm Concert, invitation only
11th Y3/Y4 Sports Hall Athletics, Harvey Hadden, 12 noon, invitation only
12th Y6 Netball, Y5 Hockey v Sheffield High, away, pm,invitation only
17th to 21st Half Term
28th to 2 March Y6 netball to Condover, invitation only
3rd to 7th World Book Week
3rd Parents' Evening , Junior Hall, 4pm to 6.30pm
4th to 7th Parents' Evening online video calls, dates/times to be confirmed
5th GDST Y5 Science Day, London, invitation only
7th Y3/Y4 Swim Gala
8th to 14th GDST Ski Trip to Italy, Y5/Y6
13th Y3 study visit to Southwell Workhouse
18th Y5 study visit to Coventry Cathedral
19th High 5 Netball
19th Y3 & Y4 production, The Space, 6pm tbc
20th to 21st Y4 residential study visit and field trip to Hadrian's Wall
21st Y5 taster day to Senior School (to include our Y5 girls)
24th to 26th Y6 residential study visit to Todmorden
26th Nursery visit to Farm
26th Y5 Informal Concert, Junior Hall, 2pm
27th Y1 study visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park
28th Break Up, 3.45pm
23rd Return to school
MAY '25
5th May Day holiday, school closed
7th to 9th Year 4 residential study visit and field trip to the Norfolk Broads
8th to 15th Year 5 & Year 6 Bikeability
9th Y3 study visit to Perlethorpe
16th Y3 study visit to Southwell Workhouse
21st Y1 & Y2 production, The Space, 2pm tbc
26th to 30th Half Term
JUNE '25
5th Y1 Pirate Day
9th GDST Rally Harvey Hadden, Y5 & Y6 Athletics, invitation only
10th Y4 Informal Concert, Junior Hall, 2pm
12th to 13th Y3 residential study visit to York
18th to 20th Y5 residential study visit to Boggle Hole
25th Welcome Morning/Move Up Morning
27th Y1 to Y6 Sports Day, Harvey Hadden
28th EYFS Open Morning for new parents
JULY '25
2nd Nursery visit to Twycross Zoo
2nd Y6 production, The Space, 7pm tbc
3rd Y6 production, The Space, 7pm tbc
7th Da Capo Concert, RB to Y2, Junior Hall 2pm
8th Nursery/RB Sports Day, 9am tbc
9th Y6 Celebration Evening, The Space, 6pm
11th Break Up 12.30pm (no ASC)
3rd September Return to School