Social media update


We are in the process of closing down our school X (formerly Twitter) accounts.  As a school that prides itself on providing a positive and supportive environment in which everyone is respected, we no longer feel that X fits with our ethos and values. 

Please follow us on our established Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts, and join us on Threads and BlueSky too! 

Mrs Pankhurst stands accused

Mrs Braud and Mr Cox

      On Friday, Year 6 enjoyed a packed day of learning at the National Justice Museum, which boasts a Victorian courtroom, Georgian jail, and cells that date back hundreds of years.  This study visit links to the girls' History of Crime and Punishment topic and Suffragette home study project, investigating how attitudes have changed over time and how the justice system treated Emmeline Pankhurst when she was tried for incitement in 1913.

      In carefully-curated courtroom workshops, students recreated key moments in Mrs Pankhurst's trial, taking on the roles of the accused, judiciary, clerks, defence, prosecution, witnesses and jury.  Judges Ruqaya and Georgia kept order in their respective courtrooms, and in both mock trials the prosecution and defence teams stated their cases clearly - knowing that in real life, the redoubtable suffragette (played by Dina and Martha) was sentenced to nine months in HMP Holloway.

      The study visit also included a guided tour of the museum, meeting a Georgian jailer and Victorian matron to hear how punishment has evolved throughout British history, and examine primary sources of evidence such as handcuffs and holding cells.  Well done, Year 6, for engaging so well in every activity and for demonstrating deep thinking skills in your questioning, ready to apply your learning back in the classroom!

Above:  Emmeline Pankhurst and her associates on trial, at London's Bow Street Court.

Above:  The dock in which Mrs Pankhurst once stood is now at the National Justice Museum.

Click on the GALLERY below for highlights

A message from the Home Front

Mrs Crawshaw

   At precisely 09:00 hrs on Tuesday, Year 5 were evacuated to the safety of Beaumanor Hall deep in the Leicestershire countryside.  This reenactment served to deepen the girls' understanding of aspects of wartime life, such as rationing, air raid precautions and the vital role of women in code breaking.

      This was an especially interesting study visit, as Beaumanor was the top secret location of 'Station Y' from 1939 - a listening post hidden away from prying eyes, and with operational buildings disguised as cottages.  To the girls' delight, they stood in the very room where the message arrived to inform Britain of Germany's surrender.

      What a fabulous display of vintage-inspired evacuee outfits and super showcasing of recent learning, girls - you really did us proud with your enthusiasm for transcribing messages and entering into the Blitz spirit.  God save the King!

Click on the GALLERY below for highlights:

Recycle with Michael ♻️

Year 6 Sisters of Charity

      Thank you to everyone who donated used clothing and footwear to our most recent Recycle with Michael collection.

      The Salvation Army van turned up at the crack of dawn on Thursday, so thanks also go to Mr Elkington and Mrs Astill who stepped up to the challenge of an unexpected early morning workout!  Overall this was a great team effort and we're delighted to have re-homed so many items, saving them from landfill and helping such a great charity.

Be in it to win it!  ✍🏻

A final reminder from Mrs Crabtree

      Nothing ventured, nothing gained!  We hope that lots of RESILIENT girls from NGHS Juniors will enter this annual GDST competition, both for the challenge of taking part and - fingers crossed - for the glory of winning.

      Entries should be emailed to class teachers in WORD or pdf format, and we would suggest doing this ahead of the competition deadline - by Monday 3 February at the absolute latest.


Mrs Crabtree

      Exciting and creative opportunities linked to World Book Day 2025 will take place at NGHS Juniors from Monday 3 to Friday 7 March, and this year's theme will be the last 150 years of children's literature, with competitions and activities to promote a love of reading.


      World Book Day itself will be on Thursday 6 March, and we would love the girls to come to school dressed as a character from a children's book that was published between 1875 and 1950.  Prizes - especially for characters from titles published during this period - will be awarded for the best costumes in different age groups - so start thinking about your costumes now, girls!


Miss Abbott

      Year 6 Sports Ambassadors and House Captains received leadership coaching this week from staff at Sport Nottingham who helped them to lead Year 4 pupils in a Sporting Superstars Challenge.

      Our Year 6 students received guidance in teaching and supporting their younger counterparts in running, jumping and throwing events, recording their results to determine winning individuals and teams - very much like our inter-house pentathlon which took place earlier this year.

      The team from Sport Nottingham will return in three weeks' time to repeat the programme, but this time in a 'Me vs Me' situation where girls will aim to beat their previously recorded scores.

      Parents of Year 4 pupils can watch the clip below to see the activities and the ways in which they can be modified, so that girls can practise at home.   Remember, Year 4 - this all about beating your personal bests, so let’s see if you can win yourselves some coveted gold wristbands.  Get practising, girls!

Congratulations to our 'Top 3' achievers from 4M and 4B - Sophie, Emily, Imogen, Katharina, Penelope and Iostina.

      In other sporting news this week, our Year 6 netball team continued their preparations for the forthcoming GDST netball weekend by playing Oakham School’s Year 7 B team.   This was a close game, but we came out victorious with a 6-4 winCongratulations go to Clara for being named our player of the match!

Click on the GALLERY below for highlights:

With grateful thanks

Mrs Hooper, Philanthropy and Alumnae Manager

      Well done to Lucia (2C) and Amelie (6B) who recently received letters of thanks from alumnae, delighted to have  received beautifully handwritten Christmas card messages from the girls last December.

      Our annual NGHS Juniors Christmas Kindness tradition reaches out to 'old girls', many of whom still keep in touch with the school and appreciate being remembered by the younger generation.

      We are also thrilled that Elsie (6B) has received a thank you card from none other than NGHS alumna Dame Stella Rimington (left), former Director General of MI5.  What an honour!

To be an alumna is to be a GDST girl for life.

Our alumnae span the world and every professional sector.  We have over 100,000 members and the network is increasing every year.

Being a GDST alumna offers endless opportunities. From mentoring to professional networking, self-development and social events, the network offers a community unlike any other.

Poetry, please

      The GDST Laurie Magnus Poetry Prize was established in memory of Laurie Magnus by his widow.  Laurie Magnus was a GDST Council member from 1907, and Chairman from 1929 until his death in 1933.  He also wrote The Jubilee Book of the Girls’ Day School Trust (1923).

      Entries for NGHS Juniors Years 1-6 should be emailed to Mrs Sail no later than 9am on Friday 7 March.